Welcome to my blog everyone!!!!!!!!!!!🥰✌️(❁´◡`❁)

                                           "Flowers" by Nouhailler is marked with CC BY-SA 2.0.

 Welcome fans! My name is Chryssa and plz subscribe my blog.

I will try to update my blog and add new ones to make more and fun adventure's.

It will mostly be adventure's.

Things I like:

POP IT's, Notebooks, drawing and writing, Roses/Flowers,  Family and Friends.

Best places to go:

Jupboxx, Expo 2020 Dubai, Lego land.

Why I like to go there:

Jumpboxx: In Jumpboxx, I get to go on a real indoor trampoline and a soft play for my brother. I made new friends and their name is Lara and Elene. They are o kind and nice. I had such fun going to Jumpboxx that I wish on my 10th birthday, I would like to go there but there is some more cool places to visit and they might be even more cool than jumpboxx.

Expo 2020 Dubai: That place is like the best place I ever went. I went to more than 60 pavilions! Can you imagine that! I went 10 times and one more time on march somewhere, Hungary, and Germany are my first place favourite pavilions. I really love going to water feature. It was so cool. I have to say bye bye to EXPO because the visit in march is our last visit. We may go to Expo as field trip but I don't know when.

Lego land: I like lego land because there is a water park nearby the lego land entrance. In Lego land, there is some rides and games, we tried to go on the big roller coaster and it was scary in my first time I ride there. The next time I went there, I will try not to be scared. We also went to the factory and learned how to make our own lego block. It was so cool!!!!!!

Many adventures to talk about! I'm excited to see all of your comments!

I will try to add new blogs to make stuff exciting! 



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